This was a project for Publicis Global Delvery (PGD) the idea was to create a comercial to promote the PGD benefits and let people know why this company is a great place to work and build a career path, where creativity, innovation and culture are the main topics that create an awesome environment without limitants in sexual orientation, country and race. The piece was published on Linkedin, Youtube and Instagram.

The storyboard played a crucial role in creating this project. Our team consisted of 10 individuals, and I took on the role of guiding the graphic designers in terms of art direction, character development, and scene creation. Meanwhile, a colleague oversaw the animation and motion graphics team. The project took 4 months to complete, and we collaborated remotely in groups of 5 people, conducting weekly reviews.

I made a guideline to let the designers know how to create the character taking on mind that proportion of the body parts must be equal for all characters, in that way we could export the files by segments to be animated correctly on After Effects and Premiere Pro.

The style was based on papercraft work, creating a new universe filled with vibrant colors, amusing elements, sound effects, and dreamy places. All of these aspects represent the look and feel of the experience working at Publicis Global Delivery.